Prompts for Practice: National Online Forensics

At NOF, we pride ourselves on crafting unique prompts for our tournaments. Once a competition concludes, we believe in giving students the chance to continue honing their skills with these prompts outside the competitive arena.

Below, you'll find a collection of prompts from categories like Impromptu, SPAR, NOF Parli, and Extemporaneous from our most recent tournament. We trust these will serve as valuable practice material for your upcoming competitions!


  • Xylophone

  • Lion

  • Enthusiasm

  • A fool’s paradise is a wise man’s hell.

  • A broken clock is right twice a day.

  • The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue. --Antisthenes


  • Multi-level marketing is immoral

  • The police should be allowed to use deadly force

  • Clothing is a form of freedom of speech

  • All cars should become electric


  • Will OpenAI remain dominant in the LLM field?

  • Will the GOP win control of the House in November?

  • Has 2024 seen a new version of Trump?


  • The United States should normalize economic relations with the Republic of Cuba.

  • Google is a monopoly

  • Globalization promotes universal healthcare

  • The protection of a national identity is a legitimate reason to restrict immigration.


2024 Summer Royale Invitational Results


2024 NOF Summer Royale Tournament