Prompts for Practice: National Online Forensics Elm Invitational

At NOF, we pride ourselves on crafting unique prompts for our tournaments. Once a competition concludes, we believe in giving students the chance to continue honing their skills with these prompts outside the competitive arena.

Below, you'll find a collection of prompts from categories like Impromptu, SPAR, NOF Parli, and Extemporaneous from our most recent tournament. We trust these will serve as valuable practice material for your upcoming competitions!


  • Ambulance

  • Liberty

  • Compassion

  • May the wind always be at your back. --Irish proverb

  • Strike while the iron is hot

  • Courage is on display every day, and only the courageous wring the most out of life. --Zig Ziglar

  • TEveryone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized. --Albert Einstein


  • Technology makes us more alone.

  • The US government can ensure the country’s financial stability

  • Help should always be accepted


  • To what extent does social media influence the international response to the Israel-Hamas War?

  • Why isn’t Bidenomics resonating with voters?

  • What should the U.S. do to increase the global ranking of it's K-12 education?

  • Will Senator Manchin's decision not to seek reelection impact the Democratic Party’s ability to win a 2024 Senate majority?

  • How will the use of Midjourney and other AI software change art?


2023 Pine Invitational Results


Introducing NOF Mock Trial