NOF Tournaments Year Round

National Online Forensics (NOF) began during the pandemic to offer competitors an opportunity to compete online in speech and debate. Since then, hundreds of students have had the opportunity to compete, adjusting their skills to work with cameras and microphones instead of classrooms and amphitheaters. These are valuable skills and even if tournaments move to in-person, NOF will hold online national tournaments to continue to foster these skills.

NOF is expanding to hold quarterly tournaments and will be hosting its first ever asynchronous tournament. Asynchronous tournaments allow competitors to submit a recording of their speech rather than perform a live speech. Use the links below to view the tournament invitations or to register for an event.


NOF Tournament Calendar

Asynchronous Tournament

NOF Fall Asynchronous Tournament: December 5-13, 2021
Register Here

Quarterly Tournaments

Quarter 1: October 16, 2021
See NOF Q1 Award Results Here

Quarter 2: December 18, 2021
Register Here

Quarter 3: February 12, 2022
Register Here

Quarter 4: April 16, 2022
Register Here

Annual National Championship

College: March 18-20, 2022
Register Here

Elementary June 2-5, 2022
Register Here

Middle School June 2-5, 2022
Register Here

High School June 2-5, 2022
Register Here


NOF’s 1st Asynchronous Tournament


NOF 2021 Quarter 1 Winners