Episode 38: Jeff Moscaritolo
Jeff Moscaritolo holds an MFA in Creative Writing from George Mason University and is currently pursuing a PhD in American Studies at Indiana University Bloomington. As a speech competitor in high school and college, he earned numerous accolades; he was the 2005 NFL Champion in Humorous interpretation and a multiple-time national finalist at the AFA-NIET across many categories. His short fiction and other writings having appeared in Indiana Review, Los Angeles Review, Paper Darts, Carve, and Lincoln Journal Star. His academic interests currently revolve around race, dance, empire, and memory.
In this episode, Robert and Jeff discuss the power of POI, the pressures of using a piece everyone knows, and the differences between high school and college speech. Listen for free through Apple Podcasts, GooglePlay, Overcast, Podbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Jeff models his fall line of fashionable scarves.