Episode 32: Kevin Briancesco
Kevin is a professor and Director of Forensics at Los Angeles Valley College. He didn’t break any events at nationals his senior year, and it clearly ruined his career. Through hard work and sheer luck, his students have somehow managed to consistently win national championships despite having him as their coach. It is truly a marvel to witness. Outside of forensics, Kevin has been a mediocre slam poet, an average artist, a second-rate photographer, a so so husband, an adequate D&D Dungeon Master, a wannabe TikTok influencer, and most importantly, a dad of 3-the one job he will admit to being great at.
In this episode, Robert and Kevin discuss ghosts, the trauma that coaches can inflict on students, and the joys of ADHD. Listen for free through Apple Podcasts, GooglePlay, Overcast, Podbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Doing last-minute run-throughs are better than getting the last-minute runs.